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If you are searching for a place that teaches Urdu in the city, we have the perfect recommendation. From our own experience we can tell you that there are weekend classes held on every Saturday and Sundays in a little school where you might find not more than 5 -7 students mesmerised by the couplets of Mir, Faiz and Ghalib, amidst the sound of the honking cars and screaming vendors.

The one year course commences in the month of May and is culminated with an exam held in April, which will provide you an Urdu diploma from Delhi University. It is advisable to call the school which conducts the course in February to get accurate details as their schedules change constantly.

Professor Firoz Ahmed patiently and explicitly explains each urdu alphabet and its nuances. These classes are conducted for two hours and the professor ends the class with a couplet, which for us was the highlight of every class. It was his teaching method and clarity, which accentuated our passion towards learning Urdu further.

As months flow by, you will graduate to learning words and then sentences. Soon you will be reading short stories and will be part of a more romantic universe.

For further details you can contact:

Anjuman-i-Islam Akbar Peerbhoy College of commerce and economics,
Maulana Shaukat Ali Road,
Near Government Eye Hospital,
Grant Road,
Contact no: +91 022 – 223051106

You can also contact:
National Council for promotion of Urdu Language on

Taaleem means education